Academic Fresh Start

A fresh-academic start is a policy that allows returning undergraduate students with marginal academic records to resume coursework towards an undergraduate degree without the burden of poor past performance in previous college or university work. The calculation of grade point average (GPA) and total credit hour is based solely on coursework completed after returning to the university. This policy is intended for prospective students who have gained maturity through extended experience outside educational institutions and decided that returning to academic life would be beneficial. However, a fresh academic start is not for every returning student. There are two requirements (see below) that a student must meet before being granted this option:

  • Separation from all institutions of higher education for at least four years.
  • Formal application approved by School's Dean in which the student wishes to major. This application should describe the reasons for the request and outline a proposed academic plan that includes a major declaration.

If a fresh academic start is granted, the student may resume his/her studies under this option. A fresh academic start may be granted only once. The student's permanent record will remain as the official record of all work, regardless of the institution at which that work was completed. However, the returning student will forfeit the use of all credit hours toward a degree earned prior to the four-year separation period. The student's record will also carry a notation designating when the fresh academic start was granted and noting that the calculation of Grade Point Average (GPA, and totals credits for degree purposes begins with that date. Students applying for admission under the academic fresh-start policy must meet re-admission requirements established by the individual colleges.