Satisfactory Progress to Graduation

Leighton University is committed to fostering conditions that enable students to complete their degrees and help students achieve this goal. Following Leighton's policy and to maintain satisfactory academic progress toward completion of a degree, all Leighton students shall:

  • Complete ENGL111 or ENGL112 (English Composition – Category 1) within their first year at Leighton University;
  • Complete or qualify for a waiver of LIBR 150 within their first year at Leighton University;
  • Complete all requirements for Enrichment course work in mathematics or reading, as determined by Leighton's assessment process, within their first year at Leighton;
  • Complete one course from Mathematics (Category 3) within their first year at Leighton; and
  • Complete and file a Degree Completion Plan (DCP) by the point they have earned 45 units. For students who have transferred to Leighton University with more than 45 credit hours, the DCP shall be filed no later than the end of their first Term of enrollment at Leighton. This plan:
    • Includes the remaining course requirements and the other standard graduation requirements that a student must complete for a degree;
    • Include a chronological order of the courses to be taken; and,
    • Be reviewed and approved by the University Academic Navigator before final submission.
  • Details on where and how to file your  DCP will be available to students through their primary Academic Navigator.